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Zuraktuelle Ausschreibung der Entrepreneur Fellowships 2025
Early Career Researchers erhalten durch eine UZH Entrepreneur Fellowship die Möglichkeit, wissenschaftsbasierte Innovation in marktfähige Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zu transferieren. Lernen Sie unsere UZH Entrepreneur Fellows kennen und lassen Sie sich von ihren Erfolgen inspirieren.
Weitere Portraits von Entrepreneur Fellows in der Alumni Rubrik
Solar Water Splitting for Sustainable Hydrogen and Green Chemical Production
STATcovery: Real-Time STAT-Monitoring Sensors for JAK and STAT Inhibitor Discovery
Pan-amyloid bi-functional molecule as therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases
EvoFlow - an automated system for directed protein evolution
Virus-free platform for rapid generation of multifunctional CAR immune cells
PRIMA genetics
Clinical Decision Support System for interpretation of Blood Laboratory Results
SyntMed – speeding up decision making in drug development by automation of systematic review
RNA-based therapeutics
Intelligent system for epilepsy and sleep diagnostics
Developing a ROS-inducer into a therapeutic molecule