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Innovation Hub


Office of the Vice President Research

The Innovation Hub is associated with the Office of the Vice President Research, which coordinates the activities of the University of Zurich in the promotion of research, innovation and young researchers, and develops the strategy in these areas together with the university management and the faculties. 

The Office of the Vice President Research and divisions  

UZH Innovation Council

The UZH Innovation Council serves as a sounding board for the strategic direction of the UZH Innovation Hub and as an interface with business and industry. 

Objectives of the Innovation Council:

  • sounding board to the Vice President Research in her role as executive board member of the University regarding the strategic direction of the Hub
  • encourage exchange within UZH and with industry partners,
  • promote external visibility of the Hub
  • open networks to strengthen and promote the Hub
  • involved in allocating funding support, e.g. council members can be called upon to serve on the jury for allocating UZH Entrepreneur Fellowships.

Current UZH Innovation Council representatives


Weiterführende Informationen

Boosting Talents – Annual Report 2023

More about Boosting Talents – Annual Report 2023