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Innovation Hub

Get inspired to get started

This course provides insights into entrepreneurial thinking, innovation methods and techniques, and the ability to work in interdisciplinary teams.

For Students and early career researchers from all faculties at UZH

Content & Objectives

During the course, participants can expect a broad introduction to entrepreneurship and the world of innovation. The programme can be completed independently of previous knowledge and field of study and aims to generate a variety of innovative ideas and entrepreneurial ambitions.

Participants in Bootcamp 1 are empowered to:
  • develop an entrepreneurial mindset
  • establish a positive culture of error and learn from failure
  • learn and apply ideation techniques
  • build a network in the area of community building
  • work effectively in interdisciplinary teams
  • assess whether a career as an entrepreneur is personally desired and plan their studies and career accordingly

Students who want to delve deeper into the subject matter can take the advanced modules Bootcamp 2 «Build it»  and Bootcamp 3 «Launch it» (in planning).
Structure & ECTS Upon successful completion of the course, students receive 1 ECTS credit. The course combines asynchronous self-study with face-to-face teaching, as well as individual and group work that culminates in a final reflection.  

Please note: The course can be taken regardless of previous knowledge and field of study and aims to foster a wide range of innovative ideas and entrepreneurial ambitions. The course is conducted in English.

Every Tuesday from 8:00-11:00 a.m., on the following dates:
18.02.2025 | 04.03.2025 | 18.03.2025

Room: KOL-E-13 EV (subject to change at short notice)


Registration closed. 

Further information

Bootcamp 1 – «Get inspired to get started» is the basic building block of a modular training program. The following courses build on this:

Bootcamp 2: «Build it» – Prototyping 
Bootcamp 3: «Launch it» – Business plan development


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