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Synthara wins ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark 2023


UZH Spin-off Synthara, a chip design startup founded by Manu V Nair and Alessandro Aimar, has been awarded the 2023 ZKB Technopark Pionierpreis. The Zurich-based company is recognised for its innovative approach to chip design, which enhances computing power and energy efficiency. 

Nair and Aimar, both doctoral graduates from the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, founded Synthara in 2020 during the pandemic lockdown. Their shared interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and efficient computing inspired them to start a company dedicated to advancing chip design. Their vision brought together an impressive array of industry experts who, solely through word-of-mouth within the semiconductor industry, formed the Synthara team. 

For decades, the processor industry has been following Moore's Law, which states that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. However, this trend is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain due to the growing demand for computing power and the increasing complexity of data. With modern AI-based search engines requiring up to 20 times more computing power than traditional search engines, there is an increasing need for more efficient computing solutions. 

In response to this challenge, Synthara has introduced an innovative approach to chip design that combines processing and memory into one. Known as ComputeRAM, Synthara's solution uses a concept known as in-memory computing, which embeds computing power into the memory itself. The company has integrated this into a compact 2 x 2 mm chip, along with a software development kit that allows users to optimize the system for different applications, including AI. 

Synthara's approach enables seamless integration into existing manufacturing processes without disrupting infrastructure. This makes Synthara's product an attractive solution for chipmakers looking to improve energy efficiency and computing performance. 

The company's goal is to enable ubiquitous intelligence in a range of applications, from IoT devices, wearables and smartphones to server farms, autonomous vehicles, and cellular stations. Synthara plans to release chip samples by mid-2023, an important milestone that provides tangible proof of their innovative product.

The ZKB Technopark Pioneer Award is known for recognition of significant entrepreneurial innovation, and Synthara's award is a testament to their groundbreaking work in the processor industry. We will follow their progress to see how the company's innovations will help shape the future of computing. 


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