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Innovation Hub

New Spin-Offs with Innovative Technology

Since 1999, 161 spin-offs have been founded at UZH

A total of 161 spin-offs have been founded at UZH since 1999, of which 79 % are still active. This is a remarkable percentage considering that according to current statistics from the Federal Statistical Office, the survival rate of newly founded companies in Switzerland is only around 50 % after five years.


Detecting prostate cancer at an early stage, keeping transplantation organs viable for longer, or a lab that fits on a chip: spin-offs from UZH are bringing ideas that emerge from research to the market.

Medicine, neuroinformatics and finance: these were the fields in which innovative people founded spin-offs that incorporate the results from research conducted at UZH last year. Besides the number of spin-offs, patents are also a good measure of an organization’s capacity for innovation. In 2024, 35 UZH-linked patent applications as well as 61 inventions were registered.

More about the new Spin-offs at the UZH news article

Weiterführende Informationen

Since 2017, UZH also awards the UZH Startup Label, which identifies a company’s connection to the university and can increase credibility with customers and investors.
